
Shockwave Therapy

Shockwave therapy is a noninvasive treatment that involves delivery of sound waves to break down scar tissue and move inflammation out of joints. This can help promote healing, reduce pain and improve movement.

Some unique considerations for the treatment are:

  1. Identify the source of the pain, particularly if you haven’t had any provider that’s been able to locate the exact location.
  2. Manage musculoskeletal disorders that are too deep to reach manually.
  3. We suggest trying this safe non invasive treatment prior to scheduling cortisone shots or surgery.
  4. Conditions we see respond the quickest to this treatment (6 sessions) are; Shoulder Pain, Plantar Fasciitis, Golf/Tennis Elbow, Arthritic Hands, Feet and Hips.
  5. We are one of the few location in all of Bucks County that utilizes Focused Shockwave Therapy (Sound Waves) in our clinic.

Refer to the links below:

Health focus spotlight in the media
General Overview
Short exert of the benefits of the Piezowave for patients from a health care providers prospective
A sound, adjunctive approach to treating acute and chronic musculoskeletal injuries. Piezo Pressure Wave