Our purpose at Tucker Chiropractic Center in Langhorne PA, is to elevate each patients health naturally by addressing the root cause of their problem. This is how we get our patients to Get Well, Move Well, and Stay Well. Don’t mask symptoms, adjust the root cause!
Our clinic is the top rated Chiropractic and Wellness Center in Langhorne. The clinic was founded by Dr. Tucker in Langhorne in 2005. He has been a public speaker, wellness consultant and teaches the community about ways to improve their health without drugs and surgery. Patients often report their initial check up is the most thorough they’ve had. We have 4 Doctors on our team that are passionate in helping people heal naturally, safely and successfully. Our doctors have multiple post graduate specialties to help see a broad list of conditions. As an example, if a patient has been concerned about a herniated disc, we use distraction based tools to gently decompress the back. If a patient likes traditional popping techniques, that is fine, however we have means of treating people with soft tissue disorders, bone density issues or just someone who prefers a lighter approach. We even see prenatal and pediatric cases.
Chiropractic specializes in locating and correcting Vertebral Subluxations (misalignments). They are commonly caused by stresses and impacts to the body from poor posture, poor sleeping habits, slips and falls, vehicular accidents, sports impacts, strenuous exercise, work injuries, childhood falls, even the birth process. Subluxations cause dangerous stress to the spinal cord and the delicate spinal nerves which exit the spine between the spinal bones. This causes irritation to the nerves and interferes with their ability to function properly. This nerve interference causes the body to lose it’s ability to function optimally and ill health eventually results. Though serious even in their early stages, subluxations are often not painful initially. Just like routine medical and dental checkups, Chiropractic screenings can be of benefit as well.
It may be obvious that you need to see a Chiropractor if you are experiencing neck pain, back pain, hip pain, headaches, numbness/tingling or curvature of the spine. However, many people don’t realize that chiropractic care has an excellent record of success helping many health conditions. Maintaining a healthy and well-aligned spine is extremely important and is the most often overlooked key to staying healthy.
Misaligned vertebrae that pinch nerves can result in the following conditions:
During your visit to our office, the doctor of chiropractic will perform a detailed consultation and examination to locate the source of your pain. This will involve a series of questions about your current condition, followed by physical and neurological exams. In the physical exam, your doctor will observe your posture, range of motion, and physical condition, noting movement that causes pain. The doctor will feel your spine, note its curvature and alignment, and feel for muscle spasm. A check of your upper extremity may also be in order. During the neurological exam, the doctor may test your reflexes, muscle strength and sensory testing. If warranted the Doctor may take x-rays and/or order other tests. Once all of the information is collected to develop a specific diagnosis, a report of findings will be delivered to you and your treatment will begin.
Treatment may include: