
Most people understand how vital it is to exercise regularly, however too many patients in pain are unable to exercise. Once our patients have improved with care and have achieved pain free range of motion with their complaint area, then they progress with their treatment and we begin to implement active care exercise. The Doctor will provide clearance for someone to start training depending on what the patients needs are. Exercise programs vary based on ones conditioning, but there is gradual incremental increase in activity. Specifically geared strengthening protocols are used to help stabilize the spine. Proper exercising can result in improved body fat composition, physical performance, sleep, heart function, boost your mood and overall health.

According to the following CDC website, http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/fastats/exercise.htm, you will find the following statistics you may find surprising:

Percent of adults 18 years of age and over who met the Physical Activity Guidelines for aerobic physical activity: 49.6% (2012)
Percent of adults 18 years of age and over who met the Physical Activity Guidelines for muscle-strengthening activity: 23.6% (2012)
Percent of adults 18 years of age and over who met the Physical Activity Guidelines for both aerobic physical and muscle-strengthening activity: 20.3% (2012)

According to the Harvard University website, “studies have found that people who spend more time each day watching television, sitting, or riding in cars have a greater chance of dying early than people who spend less time on their duffs. Researchers speculate that sitting for hours on end may change peoples’ metabolism in ways that promote obesity, heart disease, diabetes, and other chronic conditions. In sum, a morning jog or brisk lunchtime walk brings many health benefits—but these may not entirely make up for a day spent in front of the computer or an evening in front of the television set. So as you plan your daily activity routine, remember that cutting down on “sit time” may be just as important as increasing “fit time”.”

Our attentive staff will provide the accountability you need to achieve your goals. These protocols will help a patient get out of pain and feel better, move better and stay functioning well.